Meri Akopyan, Head of UNAGR, explained the priority activities of the Association:
1. Preparation of the state standard for the new profession of “Humanitarian Demining Sapper” (HD);
2. Creation of a system for training deminers in humanitarian demining;
3. Preparation of amendments and additions to the Law of Ukraine “On Mine Action” and other regulatory documents;
4. Ensuring interaction with government agencies within the framework of the mine action strategy;
5. Coordinate interaction with foreign specialised organisations, embassies and foundations to obtain assistance in ensuring effective mine action;
6. Cooperate with scientific and educational institutions to conduct research and develop new technologies and methods of mine action;
7. Maintaining contacts with the beneficiaries of mine action – local communities, farmers, landowners – in order to form an effective organisation and implementation of mine action;
8. Systematic preparation of information materials for the media and landowners on safety measures with explosive ordnance.
We are grateful to Ihor Bezkaravaynyi, Ruslan Berehula, Nozom Yamashita, Serhii Tkachuk, Yuliia Payevska, Serhii Petrenko and all the guests of the presentation for their participation, support and unity in working on humanitarian demining issues.
Let’s clean up Ukraine together!